Jefferson Productions produced hundreds of spots over its 25 years in the commercial business. We included a few samples on our “Making Commercials” pages."
Jefferson Productions produced hundreds of spots over its 25 years in the commercial business. We included a few samples on our “Making Commercials” pages."
ROUGHING IT: Reno Bailey, Tom Rogers, John Hutchinson and Frank Alioto recently spent 48 hours in the wilderness of Linville Gorge, filming for an August special. Each man carried 60 to 90 pounds of gear. Rain and fog added to the gaiety of the trip. Trouble is, says Reno, they may have to go back for more film!
I'm happy to announce that John Hutchinson has been named Assistant Program Operations Manager for WBTV. John first joined us as a summer production replacement in 1967 while attending UNC-CH on a WBT-WBTV-WBTW scholarship, and since graduation has worked in practically every area of program operations. He has approached each new assignment with the same fervor, determination and skill.
John's new duties will include administrative responsibility, in my absence, for all program and production functions. Additionally, John will become increasingly involved in film buying, network relations, and in the preparation of our license renewal application. —Fred Barber
CBS squeezed all but one of its Saturday night shows into the top ten for the week of 11/7. "All in the Family" finished second, with Mary Tyler Moore, "Funny Face" and "Mission: Impossible" in the front ranks. The Dick Van Dyke Show finished fourteenth. Flip Wilson of NBC finished in the #1 position for the Nielsen ratings week. Here are the top 10:
1. Flip Wilson, NBC. 2. "All in the Family," CBS. 3. Bob Hope Special, NBC. 4. "Marcus Welby, M.D.," ABC. 5. Mary Tyler Moore, CBS. 6. "Medical Center," CBS. 7. "Funny Face," CBS. 8. "The F.B.I.," ABC. 9. "Mission: Impossible," CBS. 10. Carol Burnett, CBS.
THE "CAROLINA CARAVAN—'74" will receive a resounding kickoff Friday at noon in the parking lot. Tom Miller (WBT's all-night country-show host) and crew leave for a two-week trip along the East Coast. Starting in Miami and ending in Maine, the Caravan will make ten major truck stops along the way and do remote broadcasts back to WBTV. Back home, major country singers and pickers will be sitting in as co-hosts of the all-night show. Be in the parking lot at noon Friday and give the Caravan a big send-off.
JP won a Clio Award June 18 in New York City for Best Product Demonstration with an Elmer's Glue spot done on film for Conahay and Lyon. The commercial showed two bulldozers pulling two 12-inch-square timbers apart [with great difficulty] after they had been glued together with Elmer's.
JP also had a finalist spot in the Banking and Financial Institutions category for the TransSouth "Christmas" commercial. It was also a film production.
Only three companies located outside New York and Los Angeles won Clios, and JP was one of those!
Results from the November surveys show that WBTV and CBS became even more dominant this year. Sign-on to sign-off shares of audience were up, including prime time. 42 of the top 50 shows in our market were on Channel Three, with all seven nights of the early news and "Carolina Camera" ranking in the top 25. All locally roduced programming was up over last fall, with both "WBTV News" and "Top 0' The Day" winning 50-plus shares. The schedule maintained stable young-adult demographic position often requested by advertisers.
Congratulations to all who have worked to further strengthen WBTV in these competitive times. A still growing audience preference for Channel Three proves your efforts are working! —John Edgerton
Lee Jenkins and Jud Gregory, both technicians, retired from WBTV Engineering on January 1. Lee joined the company September 6, 1949, and Jud came May 21, 1951. They have been a tremendous asset to the growth and success of our company, and they have been a delight to know and to work with. They will certainly be missed. —George Reynolds