Improvement in the reception of radio programs broadcast from station WBT may be expected after midnight of April 30, when the station goes on a new kilocycle basis that will eliminate present interference encountered from station WTAM at Cleveland, Ohio, Earle J. Gluck, WBT manager, said last night.
The station contemplates changing from the present kilocycle basis of 1,080 to 1,040, said Mr. Gluck, and the wave length will be changed from 277.6 to 288.3. The station's number on the set dial will be slightly advanced, he explained.
Recently WBT, having encountered trouble with WTAM after the later station had increased its power, requested the federal radio commission to make a change. Changing the kilocycle basis and the station's wave length necessitated the changing of 13 stations, it was explained.
Mr. Gluck said that the change would be started immediately after the closing of the program April 30 and the work of placing the station on the new basis would require several hours. He thinks the new arrangement will materially improve WBT's service, he said.