Radio station WBT here yesterday forwarded formal request to the federal radio commission for permission to install a 50,000-watt transmitter, Earl J. Gluck, manager, announced.
Mr. Gluck intimated that no interference with the station's plans was expected, and estimated that the permit would be secured by September 1. The radio commission is taking its summer recess now.
Installation of the new transmitter, which will place WBT on a par with the country's largest radio stations, will mean an outlay of approximately $100,000, said Mr. Gluck. This will include additions to the present broadcasting plant buildings on the Nation's Ford road.
Mr. Gluck said it would take about four months to install the new equipment after permission is received from the radio commission.
He pointed out that a considerably augmented force would be needed at the plant when the station begins to use the more powerful transmitter. The station's power at present is 5,000 watts.
Radio station WBT recently became connected with the Columbia broadcasting system through sale of a minority block of stock to the chain concern. Plans for a nationwide hook-up out of Charlotte for broadcasting a Columbia inaugural program here have been announced, but the exact date and details are matters which remain to be worked out, said Mr. Gluck.
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