Anissa Jones
From 1966 to 1971 CBS aired an enormously popular show called Family Affair. One of the stars was the delightful Anissa Jones, who played the character called Buffy. Buffy had a doll she called "Mrs. Beasley."
The doll was a national sensation. Little girls all over the land owned or wanted one. Mrs. Beasley dolls are still in demand today by collectors.
One year, while on a publicity tour, Anissa visited WBTV for a round of interviews and photographs. Hank Warren took this shot of Anissa in the studio at the end of an interview.
Then a strange thing happened. Click on the "Beast" tab.
Anissa and Friend
Suddenly, and much to her dismay and delight, Anissa was confronted with the biggest man in the building, J. P. (Jay) Torrance, who walked in wearing a polka-dotted monstosity of an outfit closely akin to Mrs. Beasley's. He even sported a pair of square glasses just like Mrs. B.
Jay doesn't remember who put him up to this, but agrees that it might have Program Director Bob Rierson, who was widely known for promoting such shenanigans.
The dress/pants ensemble belonged to "somebody's mama or grandma," and the wig came from Satterfield's on West Boulevard.
Such gags were not uncommon at the BT stations in those days.