WBT - The Early ThirtiesPrograms

Southern Radio News, Feb. 4, 1933

Romance Of Kitchen in WBT Waves

Betty Moore and Marie Davenport will bring a large helping of "personality-plus" to the microphone next Friday, February 10th, at 5:15 p.m., EST. The extraordinary vim, vitality and friendliness of this unusual team will find expression on the part of Miss Davenport in the rendition of popular music at the Wurlitzer organ, and on that of Miss Moore in extremely interesting and helpful discussions of Interior Decorating and Home Beautifying.

The program will open with the familiar strains of "My Little Grey Home in the West," and will present Betty Moore talking on "New Beauty Recipes for the Kitchens." Miss Davenport will play later in the program, "Land of the Sky Blue Water." Miss Moore's discussion at 5:15 p.m. Friday will be in reality a friendly treatment of the romance of the kitchen, and will be filled with helpful suggestions, lightened and made spicy by a most pleasing flow of wit, humorous comment and anecdotes.


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