WBT - The Early ThirtiesChanges

Editorial, Circa Spring 1930

W. B. T. Changes

The Columbia Broadcasting system, purchasing the local station WBT and making application for its enlargement to one of the super- stations of the whole Country, will formally take over the outfit within another week an disassociate it entirely from programs which have been coming through this system of transmission from the National Broadcasting Company. This will be temporarily lamented because of the absence hereafter of some exceedingly popular programs from local transmission, notably Amos 'N Andy, but the National Broadcasting programs can of course be secured from other stations by merely moving the dial of the receiving sets and therefore, the loss is more imaginative than actual.

The Columbia's plans for the rehabilitation of WBT are interesting. This is a National system itself which was organized less than three years ago with an abundance of capital and with artists that vie in prominence and popularity with those signed up with the rival hookup. It is conceivable, and certainly it is to be hoped, that in the course of a little while the Columbia system will make everybody dependent upon WBT for their radio service delighted that the change has taken place.


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