WBT - The Early ThirtiesOff Mike

Southern Radio News, Feb. 11, 1933

WBT Gossip

Art, as personified in the youthful Al Garr, and science, as exemplified in the youthful Tom Callahan, both members of the WBT personnel, form in many respects an interesting and speculative comparison. Mr. Garr, the slender, handsome lad from California, who came to Charlotte, N. C., about two years ago, is a tenor soloist, whose renditions have captured the hearts of innumerable fair ladies; but Mr. Garr, whether from lack of interest or from centered affections it is not known, while not by any means girl-shy, still is not what some would call exactly progressive with the fair sex.

Mr. Callahan, the small, dapper young man with black hair and pleasing spontaneous personality, who handles with superb ease the mechanical production of the most complicated programs, is chief control man at WBT. Mr. Callahan is also a big favorite with the girls, but he is by far even more unapproachable than Mr. Garr, since about two years ago he was married, and is now living happily ever after, he, the better half and the little monarch who's now the third party. And Tom says "Three's not a crowd!"


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